Get Hired, Refund Guarantee:
Secure Your Future with

Unlock Your Potential with Our Commitment to Your Career Success

Affordable Payment Options with Multiple Scholarship

At Takeo, you can choose any scholarship from various scholarship options. We provide the scholarship for most deserving candidate.


Per Month

6 Months

Installment Period

Money Back

CS Job Guarantee

All Our Bootcamp Includes

Takeo has a lot to offer its students in the form of highly regarded course materials and a pool of knowledgeable professors. With unparalleled support and mentoring, we assist in opening the door

Real world Project

Learn tech skills through real-world projects with top-tier firm collaboration

1-1 Technical Mentor

Expert mentors guide learning and encourage growth through responsive support

Career Services

Takeo's Bootcamp offers career services for job progress success

Payment schedule

"You need Flexibility in Payment, to focus on building your skills"

First Payment

The first payment is due three days before the start with a three-day trial period.

Second Payment

Second payment due four weeks after the program starts.

Final Payment

Final payment is due eight weeks from the start date.

Bootcamp and Scholarship Application Process

Apply For Your


Talk to an advisor for help selecting the right program and complete your application for the bootcamp quickly.
Apply To Bootcamp

Apply For a


Visit this page to apply for a Scholarship. You can apply for a scholarship if you have submitted your application to enroll in a boot camp.
Apply for Scholarship

Get Approved &


Once you get accepted and get approved for scholarship, you can begin your bootcamp.

Upcoming Bootcamps

Here are the upcoming bootcamps to help you start your career at your own pace.


"Get Hired, Refund Guarantee" is a promise at Takeo that ensures your investment in our program is not just for learning but for achieving tangible career outcomes. It means that if you complete our tech boot camp and do not secure a job within a specified timeframe, we'll refund your tuition. It's our commitment to your success and confidence in our program's effectiveness in preparing you for the workforce.

The tuition for this program is $4,000 per month for three months. We offer a structured payment plan and scholarship opportunities to help manage these costs.

Yes, we offer four different scholarship options to make the program more accessible. Details about each scholarship and how to apply can be found on our Scholarships page.

Your tuition covers all course materials, access to our learning platforms, personalized mentorship from industry professionals, and participation in our career services module.

Yes, we offer a flexible payment plan that allows you to spread the cost of tuition over the duration of the program. The first payment is due three days before the program starts, with subsequent payments due at four weeks and eight weeks into the program.

You can withdraw within the first three days for a full refund. After this trial period, we will assess any refunds on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the duration of your participation.

Scholarship applications need to be submitted and approved before the bootcamp start date. We encourage prospective students to apply for scholarships as early as possible.

The program is designed for recent college graduates, industry professionals looking to switch careers, and current college students with some technical background. Applicants must be at least 19 years old.

While the Job Guarantee is available with this tuition option, participants will have access to our comprehensive career services module. This includes resume reviews, interview preparation, and networking opportunities.

You can apply through our website by filling out the application form. If you are not already registered, you will need to create an account to begin the application process for both the program and potential scholarships.

Disclaimer:Note about potential changes in fees and scholarship availability.

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